All Access Program Natural Health Education…Read About it Now

This Program Is Temporairly Unavailable…Will Be Available Again Soon

Introducing Our New All Access Program!!… 

The Orlando Christian College Of Natural Healing has just opened up a new program for those who are interesting in learning Natural Healing, Wellness etc. in 2016. Up until now our students were required to pay for the courses and to take them on a specified schedule, and if the class closed or was full they could not get in, and if they wanted to take it at all, they would have to wait until the class was over and then take the online version by watching the live recordings of the class!

Well we have a new program, and we believe that it offers AMAZING value for those who want to learn more and save money at the same time!

You can become a student-member at get access to all classes and programs…..

Instead of breaking the bank, you can now become a member and get an Amazing Deal…

Watch This Video For Details On The AMAZING… All ACCESS PROGRAM

Sign Up Now For The All Access Program And Get Instant Access Click!

Student Testimonies

“The Basic Medical Missionary class was a great introduction to the role of the medical missionary/life coach. Participating in this course reinforced that If we are open to continual learning, have a desire to educate and help others and depend upon the Creator, He will use us to reach others in methods we have not considered. It was time well spent.” — Katrina Howell

“I would like to share the wonders of God in the form of natural healing. I am a student of the Orlando Christian College, operated by Dr. Keith Henry in Florida. During a class, I learnt about the effects of charcoal poultice, and he stressed that adding grounded flax seed would be added blessing.I felt a pain in my right elbow, and seeing that it was hurting so badly, I took a good look at it and realized that some inflammation was under my skin, about 2 X 3 inches. It was so tender, and I could hardly tough it. I applied the poultice for two nights and when I took it off, the inflammation was gone, and I can now touch my elbow. Praise the Lord! and thank you Dr. Keith for these classes and I look forward to the Advance course.” –Jasmin Romeo

Medical Missionary/ Lifestyle Coach 101 Basic  Class Graduates

Hello and thank you for teaching the class. I am really grateful and appreciate the fact that I used some of this knowledge to help my neighbor. I am also glad I can be used by God to help others later. Sherry Linn has sent out an email asking for some help from the new Medical Missionaries to help educate 3 people on diabetes. Thank you again and God bless you and your family.– Lisa Sisley

I have logged on to the website its all we have learned in school. I would recommend this Medical Missionary Course to any who are interested in helping people and sharing the gospel with others. It is a very effective course to take. Can’t wait for the next classes. It was excellent!!– Lauretta Bivins

I am so glad that I took the opportunity to learn more about natural healing.Your class really got me thinking about other ways to give medical care and comfort to clients.Your warmth and knowledge of information made the class very interesting and informative.Thank you for all you do.Sincerely,– Deborah M. Simmons 

I have learned so much and I can’t wait to put more of what I have learned into practice.– Asha Miller

Hello Dr. Henry, I want to thank you for the excellent presentation of the classes and the delivery of its contents… — Dr. Enid France
Dear Dr. Henry,

I just want to thank you for the many blessings and the knowledge that I have received from attending the recent Medical Missionary class. You presented the health information in an interesting and gentle manner that endeared you to us. You were also very patient and kind during your presentations. The information that you shared was derived from Biblical as well as scientific sources and enabled us to determine the validity of the herbal applications from both perspectives. And, I especially enjoyed the hands-on portions of the class.

The almost instant access to, and availability of, the PowerPoints and videos were other very helpful adjuncts to the actual instructional time.

To me, the biggest beneficiary of the program was my daughter who was able to recently utilize natural remedies to successfully treat my granddaughter’s asthma attack without medicine! That is a blessing! I am looking forward to taking other classes with you.

Lenore Parker