Philosophy of Wellness And Healing

Our philosophy  of wellness and healing is to concentrate on the entire person; the spiritual, mental, and physical. Unless all three are working in harmony and in as optimal a fashion as possible then it is impossible to have wellness or health.

All “natural” or “alternative” healing systems will have a spiritual component to them, and the Orlando Christian College Of Natural Healing teaches this spiritual component from a biblical perspective. We  also believe that the knowledge of the Creator and His works, as much as He has chosen to reveal about Himself in the Bible, lines up with true science. As a result we seek to combine true evidenced-based healing/science with the science of the Bible. However, we also recognize that there is often bias in some areas of modern-day science and real world results often prove themselves very effective t long before modern-day science catches up and the real world results are finally recognized as scientific.

Finally our philosophy is that there are in the natural health community, as in the allopathic medical community remedies and “treatments” that do not work nor are they scientific. Although we seek to be innovative and stay up on new modalities etc.,we seek not to waste time chasing or teaching new and exciting “remedies” on the basis of their being new and exciting alone. They have to prove themselves to be effective and safe.


2 Comments on "Philosophy of Wellness And Healing"

  1. I would like information about your school

  2. Can I get information about your school? I am an RN and Masters level Christian Counselor . Could I use any of the 35 Years of experience towards a degree?

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