Therapeutic Exercise Class Now Available Online- Instructor Dr. Reidland Bredy

Instructor Dr. Reidland Bredy

Class Was Held On May 15, 2016- Class Is Now Avaliable To Take Online

        Cost $ 125.00

Couples Cost $165.00

  1. Week One

  • Biblical Foundations of Exercise — This first lecture serves as an introduction to how exercise is viewed biblically. As we understand this foundations, principles can be established to facilitate exercise prescriptions to any individual with sound scientific research that supports what the Bible has said almost 4,000 years ago.
  • Exercise and the Laws of Health — Did you know that exercise can influence temperance? Or that exercise can improve vitamin D absorption? God designed that His laws would interact and support one another, just like the 10 Commandments are interdependent one towards another. In this class, we look at how starting an exercise program can influence water intake, nutritional choices, and even improve rest from a scientific viewpoint.
  • Lab: Science of Warm-Up and Stretching — There is debate going on about whether it is more beneficial to stretch prior to warming up, or to warm-up prior to stretching. In this interactive lab, we will answer that question from a research standpoint and in addition, we will perform stretching routines in order to experience what those that we will be working with will experience. Come in loose clothing!

2.     Week Two

  1. Anatomy and Physiology — Here we get to the basic anatomy and physiology of the systems most involved with exercise — the musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary systems. In order to accurately determine what exercises to perform, we need to understand how exercise influences these systems. In addition, we will gain a practical knowledge of how the body works and be able to praise God because now we know that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”
  2. Aerobic and Anaerobic Training — All types of exercises can be placed in one of two categories — aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. In this lecture we will learn about these categories and their differences, as well as the exercises in each with more emphasis on aerobic training.
  3. Lab: Exercise Vital Signs — An essential part of any exercise program is being able to take basic vital signs related to exercise. These include blood pressure, resting, exercise, and recovery heart and respiratory rates, as well as oxygen saturation rates before, during, and after exercise. We will learn the normal ranges for each and how to accurately measure and interpret basic changes in these values.

3.     Week Three

  1. Anaerobic Exercises — Due to the wide variety of anaerobic exercises, this lecture will deal specifically with these types of exercises with more information on physiology, as well as a breakdown of difficulty of the exercises based on an individuals’ exercise tolerance.
  2. Evaluation for Exercise Tolerance — An important aspect of any exercise program is to properly screen the individual for levels of exercise tolerance. In this class, a physical screening tool will be used in order to identify what types of exercises would be best for an individual based on safety, vital signs, and past exercise experience.
  3. Lab: Physical Evaluations for Exercise Tolerance — Another practical lab in which we perform physical evaluations on fellow classmates — from gathering history to recording vital signs to a basic physical ability screening activity in order to properly identify exercises that would be best for the individual.

4.     Week Four

  1. When Not to Exercise — In addition to looking at exercise tolerance, it is equally important to understand contraindications and precautions with exercise. We will look at special situations in which the traditional types of exercise may not be beneficial, but unorthodox methods may be helpful in preserving strength and building up tolerance.
  2. Establishing exercise programs — Once we have screened an individual and have found the exercise difficulty that would most suit them, we need to establish a routine. This lecture will differentiate the types of programs that can be set up in order to meet the individual needs and facilitate the transition to an active lifestyle.
  3. Lab: Physical Evaluation and Exercise Prescription — In this lab, we will review the evaluation portion and take it one step further — write up an exercise program based on the information provided by your classmate. This second portion will be written up and handed in on the date of the final class.

5.     Week Five

  1. CHATTING about exercise — How do you relate to someone that has no experience with exercise? How do you communicate the truths of how the body was designed to work in a way that Jesus would? The purpose of this lecture is to identify ways that you can connect with individuals when talking about exercise without it going over their heads — in essence, to CHAT about exercise.
  2. Final exam: Case studies with Exercise Prescriptions — In the last class, the exercise prescriptions will be turned in from the previous week. In addition we will look at case studies and determine simple exercise prescriptions based on all the information we have gathered thus far.


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Cost $125.00






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